“Uncle Bunt? That ain’t no way to address Bunt the Almighty!”

A laid-back scientist with a horrible sense of housekeeping, Bunt is a numbat who appreciates the little things and cares deeply for his friends and family. He lives on Trowel in his disheveled, litter-ridden patchwork of a house.

He accepted the role as Wiki’s mentor and is the best friend of the late Prof. Ronnie. Feeling somewhat responsible for the Lalelei Island tragedy, Bunt’s taken it upon himself to care for Vivi as her guardian. The two share an unbreakable uncle-niece bond.

In addition to being a bad housekeeper, Bunt can be described as quite lazy, rarely leaving the house and taking long naps throughout the day. He does try his best for his friends though. Once determined, he sees to it that any promise he makes is fulfilled.

He also happens to be pretty skilled in the mystic martial art Numb-Fu. However, he’s a bit more of an overly eccentric fan rather than a true master.

Birthday: February 15


Numbats are Australian marsupials that look like a cross between a squirrel and an anteater, featuring a zebra-striped pattern along their backs. Unlike most marsupials, they don’t have pouches and instead rely on their baby joeys to cling to their undersides. Their diets consist of ants and termites that they draw into their mouths with their long, sticky tongues. They have strong claws for digging and live in either burrows or logs.

Read more about numbats here!

Martin Pot (Martybugs at en.wikipedia), CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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