“I just simply adore coconuts. If I do not partake of these tropical delicacies, I will have no other choice but to self-destruct.”

A mechanical echidna or “Mechidna” for short. Coco is Prof. Ronnie’s greatest creation, a defense unit programed to take down any foe regardless of the challenge. His development was abandoned by the quokka professor, but was later finished by Wiki and Bunt. He’s equipped with razor-sharp, heat-seeking quills that he can fire at will as well as egg-shaped grenades he can launch from the tail-like cannon on his back. His body is covered with tough steel armor that can never rust nor be dented.

Modeled to behave based on instinct, Coco has a much more advanced mind than what would be expected from your typical machine. He’s a caring fellow, but also quite the stubborn and sassy type with a rather unhealthy obsession with fighting and explosions. His mood sours to exponential levels should he ever get wet or miss his chance to snack on his favorite treat: coconuts.

First and foremost, his allegiance is to Lalelei Island’s people. Due to Vivi being the only survivor, he is constantly by her side. He’s a bit of a brat, especially to Wiki, but he will stop at nothing to ensure his friends’ protection.

Birthday: September 2


They might not be covered in steel plating, but they are armored with some pretty ferocious spines! Echidnas, or “spiny anteaters”, are small, round, hedgehog-like mammals from Australia and New Guinea. They have tough claws for digging, long, sticky tongues for slurping down insects, and pointy noses that can detect electricity. Perhaps one of the echidna’s most defining traits is that it is a monotreme, meaning their baby puggles hatch from eggs just like platypuses!

Read more about echidnas here!

I, KeresH, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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