“There is always room for improvement…”

A strict ruler with a pale complexion and a passion for power. Emperor Leri rules the reptilian people of Drakon with great pride. His piercing yellow gaze is always fixed on the nation’s future, working hard to maintain its esteemed reputation.

His majestic robe obscures his greatest disadvantage: he’s a limbless breed of skink. He possesses an artificial pair of both arms and legs that work via a special neuro-technology similar to Wiki’s backpack.

Leri lives in a gorgeous castle made of beautiful black volcanic rock adorned with iridescent opals. Residing with him are his two daughters, Galaxy and Zalea, the latter whom he adopted. He’s not the friendliest of fellows, as evident by his bitter rivalry with the tuatara outcast Mr. Link. Hopefully there exists some sort of compassion for others underneath his rough, scaly exterior.

Birthday: July 16


No, that’s not a snake. What slithers before you is none other than one of many species of limbless skinks and geckos. What’s the difference between a legless lizard and a snake, you ask? The easiest way to describe a legless lizard is that they all possess a short body with a long tail while snakes have a long body with a short tail.

Read more about legless lizards here!

Serban Proches, CC BY-SA 2.5 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

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