“I only try my best even when my best isn’t good enough…”

Yui is one of the eight children of Abram III, and the eldest daughter, making her the heiress of her family’s famous resort: the Baa-Baa Spa in southern Nommon. She’s a hard worker, but maybe a bit too hard-working. She ‘s a bit of a klutz and she’s not too keen on social situations. However, she’ll stop at nothing to provide for her loving family.

In addition to her overbearing position as the heiress, Yui also has a troubling secret: she’s bonded with Luxx the Light Leviathan. As expected, the two don’t really get along and rather keep to themselves. This doesn’t stop them from sharing their minds and elemental abilities. Hopefully someday they’ll learn to work together…

Birthday: October 31


Everyone knows these fleecy farm folk! Sheep are one of the world’s prime livestock, a source of both meat and wool. In Australia, sheep outnumber the human inhabitants with an estimated 72 million!

Read more about sheep here!

Toby Hudson, CC BY-SA 3.0 AU https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/au/deed.en, via Wikimedia Commons

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